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Euclid Chemical provides a range of specialty concrete admixtures and additives to help produce, place and finish various types of concrete mixtures.
Powdered and liquid admixtures designed to decrease foaming and reduce or minimize air entrainment in cement slurries, grouts, concrete, and mortars.
Specially formulated lithium based admixtures designed to control alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) in concrete
Calcium Nitrite based admixtures designed to inhibit the corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete
Ready to use liquid admixture designed to increase the air content of controlled, low strength flowable fill materials.
Cement stabilizing and set retarding admixtures specially formulated to retard concrete for extended periods of time. These products can also stabilize wash-out water in the drum of a ready-mix truck and/or a central batch mixer at a concrete plant.
Ready-to-use bagged and powdered microsilica (silica fume) to improve concrete properties such as strength and permeability.
Unique admixture formulations designed to prevent segregation or excessive bleeding in concrete and used for self-consolidating concrete, underwater concrete or concretes with poor aggregate gradations.
Shrinkage reducing and shrinkage compensating admixtures that are designed to reduce overall drying shrinkage and the potential for subsequent cracking in concrete and mortar.
Integral crystalline admixtures specifically formulated to interact with concrete capillary pore structures to provide a waterproofing system that is a permanent part of the concrete matrix.
Workability enhancing admixtures formulated for use in various concrete applications to provide extended workability of conventional, high slump, or Self-Consolidating Concrete with minimal retardation.
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