Eucon 1037
EUCON 1037 is a high range water-reducing admixture. It may be added to the concrete at the job site or at the ready mix concrete plant. Because EUCON 1037 is formulated without added chlorides, it is recommended for prestressed concrete. It is also very compatible with air-entraining agents, water proofing agents, calcium chloride and many other admixtures; however, each material should be added to the concrete separately. EUCON 1037 sets similarly to plain concrete at high dosages, and provides excellent slump increase and retention in low water to cement ratio concrete.
- Produces low water content and low water/cement ratio concrete allowing higher strengths
- Produces flowing concrete with better than normal strengths
- When used in precast work with Type I cement, EucoN 1037 will produce high early strengths
- Aids in concrete placement and reduces labor cost
- High performance concrete
- General ready mix concrete
- Heavily reinforced concrete
- Flatwork and mass concrete
- Minimum water content concrete
- Low water/cement ratio concrete
- High slump, flowable concrete
- Fully complies with the requirements of ASTM C 494, Types A & F admixtures.
- Fully complies with the requirements of AASHTO M 194.
EUCON 1037 is packaged in bulk, 275 gal (1041 L) totes, 55 gal (208 L) drums and 5 gal (18.9 L) pails.