Eucon SP
EUCON SP is a high range water reducer which is to be added to the mixture at the job site or during the batching process to improve the placing and finishing characteristics of concrete.
- Produces low water content and low water/cement ratio concrete allowing higher strengths
- Produces flowing concrete with better than normal strengths
- Aids in concrete placement and reduces labor cost
- When used in precast work with Type I and Type III cements, EUCON SP will produce high early strengths
- High performance concrete
- General ready mix concrete
- Heavily reinforced concrete
- Flatwork and mass concrete
- Minimum water content concrete
- Low water/cement ratio concrete
- High slump, flowable concrete
- Fully complies with the requirements of ASTM C 494, Types A & F admixtures.
- Complies with the requirements of AASHTO M 194.
EUCON SP is packaged in bulk, 275 gal (1041 L) totes, 55 gal (208 L) drums and 5 gal (18.9 L) pails.