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Full range of admixture products designed for use in any annulus grout application under the toughest environment.
Grout fluidifying products used to reduce the amount of water necessary to provide fluid consistency grouts.
Unique admixture formulations designed to prevent segregation or excessive bleeding in concrete and used for self-consolidating concrete, underwater concrete or concretes with poor aggregate gradations.
Accelerating admixtures are added to concrete to shorten the setting time and accelerate early strength development.
Cement stabilizing and set retarding admixtures specially formulated to retard concrete for extended periods of time. These products can also stabilize wash-out water in the drum of a ready-mix truck and/or a central batch mixer at a concrete plant.
Set retarding admixtures are used to slow the rate of setting of concrete. By slowing the initial setting time, concrete mixtures can stay in a fresh mix state for longer periods of time.